Room 13

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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Dinosaur Differences

We are learning the difference between Carnivores and Herbivores.

We know that most Carnivores have 3 sharp toes and are mostly lizard hipped.

Herbivores on the other hand have round feet, are bird hipped and they eat plants.

What are some other differences that these dinosaurs have?


  1. Their is also a kind of Dinosuars specie called a omnevor

  2. some dinosaurs are carnivores they eat meat and there are herbivores witch eat plants

    by olivia mcknight :)

  3. dinosaurs were exstinknd because a big metilright hit the earth and there was lots of dust thourh out the earth

  4. T-rexs are related to chickins

  5. Hi all

    what are the different hip bones for dinosaurs?

    Emily Eames

  6. very nice :):):):)


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